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Sweet Retreats is the ideal refresh button for my aerial practice. – Sarah Hluchan – Virginia, USA

Sweet retreats is good medicine for the body and for the soul. – Jamie Donatuto, Washington, USA, 2017

The aerial hoop retreat has reignited the flame that had been missing for so long. This trip was definitely among the top choices I have made in my life. – Jessica Smielecki – Sebastopol, CA

“What was so delightful about my experience at Casa Chango was that all participants were supported in being uniquely themselves, regardless of age, expertise or background. This was in large part because of the relaxed and nurturing atmosphere that Kerri and Stu created.” – Marianne Cleary, Berkeley, CA, 2017

“The energy was contagious and motivating. I’d recommend this trip to anyone who wants to sweat, swim and smile for an entire week.” – Katherine Hutchinson (Oakland, CA) 2015

“Circus Fit Intensive was life changing for my practice. I learned to be more kind to myself and what it takes for me to build confidence. Hearing about your process and how you got to where you are was a huge inspiration for me to honor my own process.”
Morgan Tarling, San Francisco, CA, 2016

“Wow. Sweet Retreats rocked my world!” – Andy Tannehill, Placerville, CA – November 2017

Kerri’s aerial artistry workshop was soooooo rewarding!! Understanding the scope of what you can do with some basic moves was eye-opening. Kerri creates a welcoming, encouraging environment just by being herself, and in turn I was able to let myself be more free, more silly, more open, more EVERYTHING. Just MORE. It was an awesome learning experience, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend. Angela Jackson – Halifax, NS. 2017
Kerri imbues her classes with a really sweet combination of focused work, zany playfulness, and an earthy and body-positive sensuality. I walked away from my time as Kerri’s student more capable, skilled, and excited not just about aerial, but about the journey to reaching my goals. I typically have given myself a hard time– about a number of things in life– including my journey with aerials. Kerri is skilled and optimistic, is genuinely there for you, and 100% rooting for you to “get that thing” and if you’re not there yet, can show you what needs to be done to get you to progress. She knows the value of the hard or ugly work, but she knows how to do it in a way that is fun and full of compassion for yourself and your journey. I truly appreciate this woman and friend, and I now know that my time at Sweet Retreats was a workshop on many levels, and not just in the air.
Elizabeth Ferretti, April 2019
Kerri is the most amazing coach—She encourages everyone to live in their own body, and recognizes the strengths and limitations of each person, with no judgement, and a clear focus of how to help you meet your goals. Teaching here is not one-size-fits-all: Kerri tailors training to the individual.
I have already made so much progress in my aerial practice.
I feel confident in exploring new pathways and movements with my body.
I am developing a sense of musicality and performance.
I am starting to break bad habits.
I feel as though I am on the pathway to becoming an artist .
Sallie Chedburn – June 2020
As an arts administrator, I struggle to find time for my own training and art making. Sweet Retreats provided the perfect place for me to rejuvenate and find renewed passion for aerial. I feel stronger, inspired, and ready to share my energy with my circus community back home!
Stephanie Richards – Circus Space Madison, Wisconson
Sweet Retreats taught me how much more than a workout aerial arts could be, an artistic expression, an outlet, even therapy.
Emily Hughes – Virginia Beach, USA
“Sweet Retreats has encouraged me to be a better version of myself both physically in the circus arts and also personally in my interactions with friends and the community. The instructors at Sweet Retreats are not only world class teachers, they are also some of the most caring, beautiful, and authentic individuals. I’m so fortunate to have discovered this paradise of athletic endeavors, delicious food, unending laughter, and all within the gorgeous surrounding.”
Liz Marotte, Oakland, CA
Kerri Kresinski creates a safe, sacred space in which you as an aerialist can create. She has a fun, warm spirit, with a playful master of her craft. She gave me more confidence in my artistry than when I started. I literally feel that this workshop changed my life and released some artistic blocks. I discovered new ways of looking at crafting an aerial piece, but also a new way of looking at performance.
Kerri made me realize and see different ways of blending these elements; however she did it in such a way that even someone who doesn’t dance or have a theatre background can relate and enjoy. Her personality and teaching expertise made it all very natural, and enjoyable. My only wish was that the workshop was longer.There are teachers that stick with you all your life and that you hope to cross paths with again. Kerri Kresinski is one of these people.
Sarah Webb Boston, Massachusetts 2017
“Big thanks! As a first ever yoga retreat I fear I have been hugely spoiled. Your offering was amazing. The yoga was so individualized with great instruction, the accommodations were beautiful and peaceful, the circus instruction was unexpected and fun. I had a lot of private time to hang with my daughter. And of course the food was delicious, healthy, clean and full of fun ethnicity. Everything seemed over the top. I have nothing to offer to have made the experience better. I will certainly spread the word.”
Janice Chapler – Berkeley CA 2017

Satisfaction… such a wonderful feeling. Ahhhh… There are so many beautiful details…I realize that my time with you Kerri and Chloe has changed me. I found a new sense of certainty and ease, and I can feel the inspiration gaining momentum. Even beyond the aerial aspect of my world, I am enjoying a tremendous sense of clarity and freedom in my being. Maybe it was Mexico, maybe it was you phenomenal people, maybe it was training like I never have before, maybe it was the magical adventures, maybe it was all of that together and more… I’m renewed. The possibilities seem infinite, and I feel powerful and open and wild and comfortable and happy. THANK YOU!
Sarah Gaudet – Dallas, TX 2018
“I really appreciated that you [Kerri} were honest and real over the week. Your heart, honesty and humility made a huge impact and helped clarify who I choose to be in the world. So often people put on fake smiles and fakes falsities to remain professional. You elegantly demonstrated that you can still remain professional and from the heart without falsities.”
Ukoiya Mastin (Vermont) 2014
“The week I spent with Sweet Retreats was not only inspiring but uplifting and opening. I had the honor of meeting 20 strong people who wanted to learn and improve themselves. The energy was contagious and motivating. I’d recommend this trip to anyone who wants to sweat, swim and smile for an entire week.”
Katherine Hutchinson (Oakland, CA) 2015

“Wow. Sweet Retreats rocked my world! I feel so much more aware of my body. I’m not a circus professional, but I really appreciated Kerri’s approach to fitness and yoga. Her “circus fit” cardio and vinyasa-styled asana practice really brought me back to earth, away from the passive, achey body that doesn’t reflect who I am. My family attended the Family Circus Yoga Retreat, and there was something for all of us: circus tumbling and climbing for the kids, circus fit cardio for my wife and vinyasa yoga and hammock time for me. The proximity to beach fun, excellent food and cocktails at Casa Chango, fun shopping, and the safety and relaxing environment of the grounds left us feeling fit, relaxed, and well fed. The staff made a truly a magical experience. From our first “hola!” to our final “adios amigos!” Sweet Retreats was at once personal, authentic, fun, and restoring. Great Job!”
Andy Tannehill, Placerville, CA – 2017
“Kerri’s Aerial Artistry Retreat gave me more than I could’ve imagined.
We worked on unique exercises that challenged our bodies, mind, and our spirit. The exercises really allowed you to enter a deeper part of yourself, one that you usually avoid facing. We used those feelings in our movements, our stories. It was so enlightening to be able to feel those things out loud. These exercises led into the creative process of choreography; the Artistry . It taught me how to connect with the audience, how to express myself in my movements and how to tell a story through my work. To be myself and accept my flow, my process.
Such an adventure, an awakening experience. Something I will hold close to me forever.
Kerri, I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of your work. You have a huge heart and a beautifully creative mind. Your process was genius. Thank you for giving me all that you did. I miss you and can’t wait to be in one of your retreats again!”
Josephine Reyes, Miami, FL 2016
“Sweet Retreats was the perfect compliment to my regular circus training. What could be better than daily training in paradise with fabulous coaches? I met and learned from other people who love circus as much as I do and I had the chance to perform a draft of my act in a supportive (and gorgeous) environment. I came home newly inspired, with new tricks to play with and new ideas to revitalize my warm-up and stretching routines.”
Sarah Hluchan, Arlington Virginia, 2017
“The first time I went to Sweet Retreats I was at a crossroad – both for my aerial training and in my professional life. Sweet Retreats gave me the confidence to move to the next level in both. A supportive and fun training environment, that extends beyond the mat into the communal social nature of the retreat, Sweet Retreats gets under your skin!
I came away bursting with new skills and excited to share them, and a whole range of new friends from around the world. But more importantly, it gave me time and space to reconnect to myself and a chance to remember what inspires me. There’s nothing quite like being away from it all, surrounded by like-minded people all out to stretch their bodies and minds, to focus the mind.
Two retreats later I have the confidence to take my aerial to the level I want to – having spent time working on performance skills in a safe environment. And I’ve left my energy-sapping government job to move into the charity sector where I feel more myself again.
So thanks Sweet Retreats! Thanks to Kerri, for so expertly running the whole experience. Thank you for feeding us so masterfully. And to all the trainers – thank you for sharing a little bit of their inspiring worlds with us mere mortals!”
Nicola Freedman (UK) 2015
“I’ve had the pleasure of spending these last 10 days in paradise with a community of badass humans doing badass things.
I have been deeply moved by each and every person I met this past week. I have learned so much about intimacy, about community, about joy. I have danced with my dark and sticky places in new ways both terrifying and profound. And most wonderful of all I have had the privilege to join of a group of people with so much fucking courage it makes me cry. Life is hard, and it’s scary, and it’s so easy to get hurt and to shut down. Witnessing your ability to love and share so openly despite this truth is a feat that leaves me lost for words. You are all fearless.
Special thank you Kerri for creating such an amazing, loving, and authentic retreat. Your soul is bigger than life. Thank you for your your wisdom, your laughs, and for being exactly who you are.
My heart is full. I feel whole.”